Monday, July 21, 2008

Earning her Wings...

Savannah flies to TX every summer to see her dad. Our friends, Rich and Lacee Herbert have been so awesome to fly out with her for the last couple of summers. It has helped Savannah to not be so anxious about flying with an escort. Oh and if you want to know why Rich's hat is so low on his head, you can call him and ask if you can get your hair and eyebrows cut completely off by his little 4 year old boy too!

This summer, Savannah got to fly out with Lacee. Lacee let Savannah get a teenie bopper magazine and they talked girl talk the whole time! Savannah had a total blast! I am so thankful for AMAZING friends. And Rich is so entertaining.! Love you guys!

While Lacee flew out with Savannah, I got to stay at the Ronald
McDonald house where her son Carter is receiving treatment. Ethan, Ryan ,Austin and Carter had so much fun! My boys fought over who got to sit on Ronalds lap. We opted for the face shot!


Anonymous said...

Savannah's hair is adorable! One of the times she is out here I have got to take Trey and Tru to see her.

Colton said...

Wow. Way to out your friend on his hair situation. You could have let him come out of the closet himself.