Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Belly up to the bar boys... well sort of

I caught Ryan drinking out of Slim's water with a straw. He then resorted to blowing bubbles. This is wrong on so many levels but how cute! He loves that dog and since the kids started school, Slim has become his little buddy. They run around and around the house till I think Ryan is going to pee his pants. I never thought I would say it, but I love our Slim dog!

Jimmy Crack Corn, and I don't care...

We all decided that BBQ chicken and corn on the cob sounded good for dinner one night in Thatcher. I think this is the first time that Ethan and Ryan got to help. They loved it! I made me remember the Jimmy Crack Corn song... don't be thinking I'm a dork. You know you started singing it in your head when you saw the title!

Everyone shucking corn for dinner. Doesn't Nathan's hair look sexy?! Ethan calls that "having an Alfalfanator"
Ryan learns how to peel the hair off. I have always thought that Brooks had big hands. This picture shows just how big next to Ry-Ry's little ones.
Ethan learning the tricks of the trade. Grandpa is a pretty good teacher.
Grandma making sure that the job is done right. One time, I put all the corn in the pot and boiled it before I washed it. It is a good thing that Jeanne is around most of the time when I cook. I have learned a ton from her in the kitchen!
Almost ready to put on the stove. YUMMY!

Amazing Baby Pics!

Yesterday, I had the chance to go with my sister in law, Chelsea, to a little place in Chandler called Peek of You. It is a place where they do 3D and 4D (Never knew this existed!) pictures of your baby in the womb! She never showed us her whole face, she was a little stubborn, but we got a little peek of the little girl that can't get here quick enough. It was awesome and I felt honored to be invited. So much for the little white blob on a black background that brought tears to the eyes of all us "oldies!"

Sisters :)

There are some people that when you are with them, it doesn't matter how much you talk or don't talk, how awful or great you look or what kind of mood you are in. Chelsea is like that for me. I know that when I am with her, no matter what I say or do, she is still gonna love me afterwards! I don't always have the best filter and so I say what is on my mind even if it could be worded more appropriately at a later time when the words swimming in my head weren't mostly cuss words! Naw just playin... kinda! But Chelsea is such a great friend and this summer, we spent some time in Thatcher. It was fun to be with her and made me wish we were closer. I love you Chels!

Saturday is a special day...

Such a determined little helper!

Ethan helping with the yard work! :)

Oh yeah! This is the picture of Ethan helping with the yard work!

It has become one of Ryan's favorite things to do.... helping me mow the lawn. He loves it and I can't say that I mind! I love to take care of the yard. But on this particular day, we were cracking up because as Ryan was helping me and Nathan was picking up the yard, Ethan was chilling out on the freshly mowed grass. It wasn't until Tyler went and got the camera that he wanted to "help" Let's just say that the last picture is somewhat posed and only lasted until the camera got put up! I love my boys and all they do to help!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Fun...Family...Friends...Great Combination!

Logan, Ethan, Ryan and Porter on the camping trip to Mt. Graham

Logan holding the "treasure map." We used the GPS to find some caches up on the mountain.

James and Logan around the campfire.

Cari and Tyler on the beach in Rocky Point

Tonight we had a get together with some of our friends because one of the families that we hang out with is moving. James and Cari Shields have been in our ward as long as we have lived out here. Cari was my first visiting teacher in this ward and since then, I have loved getting to know her better. She and James have been a great example to our family of strength and trully relying on the Lord. Plus they are pretty damn funny and have some great tips for keeping the love alive! In all seriousness, it has been a long time since I have met anyone that has left a lasting impression on me and the choices that I want to make in the future. They have impressed me to be a better person and I am going to miss them like crazy! My dad always said that if we have one true friend in life, we have been blessed. We feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know them and we will never forget how they changed us. As James would say We love "ya'll"!!! :) You will be missed.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Absent minded....

This summer has been a blast! It has been extremely busy, but we have been able to take some really fun vacations and we have also had the pleasure of having Tyler spend most of the summer here with us. (wink, wink) Usually he gets to spend it with his mom, but he starts Freshman football in a couple of weeks and so he had to be here for weight training and some other important stuff! I have so many pics to post and I will. But all of you bloggers know it takes a ton of time. So I didn't want you to think I was totally absent minded, I haven't forgotten to post. I have just been absent all together! Look for upcoming attractions on the blog. We have some fun photos! We miss and love all of you and look forward to seeing you before school starts! I love ya~Sonda


Ryan and Ethan put on their own goggles... pretty cute!


I love summer time... it is my favorite time of the year. I don't care that it is 500 degrees outside and that even in a swimming pool it feels like a warm bath. It seems that the boys are acquiring the same taste. They sat outside in the sun waiting for everyone to be ready to go swimming. They were so proud of their goggles...If money could buy love, I am happy to say that this time, it only cost $1.00!!